The Dunbarton Energy Committee’s Mission statement:
“To encourage and support Dunbarton’s municipality, businesses and residents in the practical application of technology resulting in energy efficiency and sustainable energy for buildings and transportation in order to lower our energy costs and reduce our carbon emissions.”
The 160-panel, 63.2kW solar array at the Dunbarton Transfer Station continues to produce sufficient power to significantly reducing the electric bills of all town buildings (Transfer Station, Fire Dept., Police Dept., Town Office, Town Garage, Town Hall/Library). With lease payments of $815/month and no upfront cost, the array is easily paying for itself. The lease /buyout option will be paid off in 2026 and the array will be producing electricity until at least 2050 (system performance guarantee term) with all of the electric power output after 2026 going to reducing the town electric bills. Savings (currently projected to be $384,000) could also increase as the cost of electricity increases over time.
We are currently crafting a solar array proposal for our Elementary School that is over 2 times as large as the current array with savings that would be proportionally greater …stay tuned!
With the present quickly increasing costs of energy and electricity, we notify the public on our website and the Dunbarton Community Group Facebook page that the Dunbarton Energy Committee. can provide residents advice for savings opportunities
The Neighbors Warming Neighbors Program has performed a total of 44 home audits since the program began in 2012. It has been and remains on hold since 2020 due to COVID safety concerns. The program helps Dunbarton residents improve the heating, electric efficiency and comfort in their homes with a 1 to 2 hour walk-through energy audit of a resident’s home or business. It provides a CD with thermal images of their building as well as a written report that summarizes the audit findings, provides recommendations to improve the building’s energy efficiency, and identifies applicable energy efficiency rebate programs for which they qualify. We are not sure when we will be able to continue this program. Email at if this program should be continued. If you would like to join us as a committee member or NWN team member when the program restarts., training will be provided.
The 2020 and 2021 Central NH Energy Expos were cancelled due to the COVID restrictions. Conditions permitting, we hope to resume this popular event later in 2022. Watch for a notice later in 2022.
Residential solar electric installations in town continue to grow, now more than 80, producing significant savings to their owners. The Committee continues to provide guidance for residents to choose the approach best suited for their installations. The Committee offers to provide advice and assistance to those considering installing solar arrays on their property. Feel free to contact us and we will share lessons learned in designing the town arrays.
We welcome new members to bring new ideas and help with present and future new activities. We have openings in 2022 and would greatly appreciate at least two more Town residents and their ideas & project contributions. Email us at See us on the web at or at
Dunbarton Energy Committee: Mike Kaminski (Selectmen Rep.), Dana Lavoie, David Elberfeld, George Holt, Bob Ray, John Stevens, (Chair)